Bijak Bermedia sebagai Upaya Penguatan Kehidupan Sosial Ekonomi dan Pendidikan Masyarakat
community, developmentAbstract
In the era of rapidly developing technology, the use of social media has become routine for people regardless of social status. There are lots of features provided so they can upload anything via social media. However, social media also has an impact on its users, both positive and negative. The positive impact of using social media can broaden your knowledge and meet many people. However, behind this there are negative impacts regarding the scope of social media use, one of which is shows that do not contain guidance, such as pornographic shows. This service activity aims to find out how much social media is used by society and its impact and how important social media is to society, especially in the world of education in character development. This service is carried out using a seminar method to the community directly. Based on the results of the activities obtained, excessive intensity of social media use can have an impact on the community environment, especially teenagers and children. Therefore, the intensity of parental supervision plays an important role in the wise use of social media so that they can use social media better.
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