Masyarakat Desa Melek Digital: Suara Foto Konseptual Untuk Memetakan Tantangan dan Peluang
Conceptual photo voice, Digital divide, Collective action, Digital Literate-VillagersAbstract
This abstract explores the innovative concept of "Digital Literate-Villagers," a participatory project of students’ social work and Kemenkominfo that empowers villagers to voice their experiences through conceptual photography. In an increasingly digital world, bridging the digital divide is crucial for equitable development. Rural communities, often marginalized in terms of access to technology and digital literacy, face distinct challenges and opportunities. By capturing the real-world struggles and aspirations of rural inhabitants in their journey towards digital literacy, this project seeks to create a compelling narrative of their unique predicament. The images and narratives not only unveil the obstacles such as limited infrastructure and education but also shed light on the transformative potential of digital literacy, including improved access to education and economic opportunities. The outcomes of this project offer invaluable insights for policymakers and stakeholders, driving targeted interventions and fostering awareness about the pressing need for digital inclusion in rural areas. Furthermore, by engaging the community in this process, "Digital Literate-Villagers" aims to empower the people it seeks to help and encourage collective action for a more digitally inclusive future.
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