Inovasi Literasi Digital di Desa Dunguswiru Kabupaten Garut Pendekatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata Bersama Institut Pendidikan Indonesia dan Relawan TIK Indonesia
Digital Literacy, Dunguswiru Village, Real Work Lectures (KKN)Abstract
Digital literacy plays a pivotal role in empowering communities, especially in rural areas, to thrive in today's increasingly digitalized world. This paper explores an innovative initiative in Dunguswiru Village, Garut Regency, where a service-learning approach was employed in collaboration with the Indonesian Institute of Education and ICT Volunteers to enhance digital literacy. The project involved the active participation of students from higher education institutions and dedicated ICT volunteers, aiming to bridge the digital divide in the village. Through a series of workshops, training sessions, and the provision of digital resources, the project aimed to improve the digital skills of the local community. This paper discusses the methodology and implementation of the service-learning approach, detailing the specific activities and training provided to the villagers. It also presents the results and impacts of the project, including the notable improvements in digital literacy skills among the community members. The positive feedback and responses received from the villagers further underscore the success of the initiative.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Arip Nurahman, Ateng Kurnia, Setia Muljanto, Chevi A.R3, Ade Suherman, Ali Ismail, Surya Gumilar, Irma F.A, Lasmita Sari, Rizal Adimayuda, Syamsul Ma’arif

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