Mengajarkan Literasi Digital Pada Masyarakat: Memahami Manfaat dan Bahaya Internet Untuk Mengurangi Kesenjangan Digital


  • Chevi Ardiana Rusmawan Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut
  • Ade Suherman Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut
  • Purnomo Sidiq Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut
  • Mesa Silviana Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut
  • Yopi Nugraha Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut



Digital Literacy, Internet, Digital Gap


The increased access to the internet has opened doors to numerous opportunities in contemporary society. However, the widening digital divide has given rise to serious issues. This study explores efforts to teach digital literacy to the community as an effective means of understanding the benefits and dangers of the internet with the goal of reducing the digital divide. Through a qualitative research approach, we gathered data through interviews and surveys of digital literacy training participants from various age groups and backgrounds. There search results show that digital literacy programs are effective in enhancing the community's understanding ofthe benefits of the internet, such as information access and employment opportunities. Additionally, they also become more aware of internet dangers, including online privacy and the spread of false information. Digital literacy training has apositive impact on community participation in the digital economy and their self-empowerment online. However, challenges such as accessibility and limited resources still need to be addressed. Thisstudy highlights the importance of efforts to teach digital literacy to the community as a strategy forreducing the digital divide. These skills help individuals make smarter and safer decisions in using the internet, resulting in amore connected, intelligent, and competitive society in this digital era.


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How to Cite

Rusmawan, C. A., Suherman, A., Sidiq, P., Silviana, M., & Nugraha, Y. (2023). Mengajarkan Literasi Digital Pada Masyarakat: Memahami Manfaat dan Bahaya Internet Untuk Mengurangi Kesenjangan Digital. Konferensi Nasional Literasi Digital Dan Kerelawanan, 1, 133–136.


