About the Journal

Journal of Digital Literacy and Volunteering is a scientific journal to publish research results and literature studies. It managed & published by Puslitbang Akademi Relawan TIK Indonesia. This journal published 2 times a year, every January & July (with model publish as you go). Focus & Scope of this journal is in the field of digital literacy, information technology and socio informatics. This journal accepts manuscripts in Indonesian or English according to the template provided.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): July
					View Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): July

This issue has been available online since 09th March 2024 for the regular issue of July 2024

Published: 2024-03-09


View All Issues
Journal title  Journal of Digital Literacy and Volunteering
Initials  litdig
Frequency  2 issues per year
Prefix DOI  10.57119
Online ISSN  2985-8518
Editor In Chief  Dr. M. Said Hasibuan, M.Kom.
Publisher  Puslitbang Akademi Relawan TIK Indonesia


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