Pelatihan Teknologi Jaringan Komputer Bagi Pelajar Tingkat SMP di Kota Mataram


  • Valian Yoga Pudya Ardhana Universitas Qamarul Huda Badaruddin
  • M. Dermawan Mulyodiputro Politeknik Medica Farma Husada



training, computer networks, students, technology


Computer networks are a form of communication that allows computers to exchange data using computer network protocols. Teaching and learning activities require computer devices to anticipate developments in information technology. This can provide positive or even negative developments for students. Understanding this need requires maintaining the quality of the content and protection against negative things. Information technology development is needed to be implemented in the junior high school level environment, namely opening up the information era by providing a positive understanding of information technology. Computer network training for junior high school students in Mataram City reflects a response to increasingly rapid technological developments, which require the younger generation to have a good understanding of computer networks and information technology in general. This training will also raise awareness of the importance of digital literacy from an early age. By holding this training, it is hoped that students can gain basic skills that are important to face future challenges, as well as encourage their interest in the field of technology. The training activities that have been carried out run smoothly and the enthusiasm of the participants can be seen.


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How to Cite

Ardhana, V. Y. P., & Mulyodiputro, M. D. (2024). Pelatihan Teknologi Jaringan Komputer Bagi Pelajar Tingkat SMP di Kota Mataram. Jurnal Pengabdian Literasi Digital Indonesia, 3(1), 6–14.


