Journal of Digital Literacy and Volunteering <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Journal of Digital Literacy and Volunteering</strong> is a scientific journal to publish research results and literature studies. It managed &amp; published by <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Puslitbang Akademi Relawan TIK Indonesia</a></strong>. This journal published 2 times a year, every January &amp; July (with model <em><strong>publish as you go</strong></em>). <strong>Focus &amp; Scope </strong>of this journal is in the field of digital literacy, information technology and socio informatics. This journal accepts manuscripts in Indonesian or English according to the template provided.</p> en-US (M. Said Hasibuan) (Rinda Cahyana) Mon, 07 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Konsep Peran dan Pengaruh Organisasi Relawan TIK Dalam Pengembangan Literasi Digital: Analisis Tujuan, Kebutuhan, dan Rekrutmen This study aims to explore the role and impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) volunteer organizations in digital literacy development, focusing on goal setting, needs identification, and the volunteer recruitment process. The research concept indicates that clear goal setting, which includes needs identification, consultation with stakeholders, and SMART goal development, significantly contributes to the effectiveness of digital literacy program implementation. Furthermore, identifying needs and challenges, including in-depth research and priority analysis, as well as program adjustments, influences the success of program monitoring and evaluation. The volunteer recruitment and selection process, which includes criteria selection, information dissemination, a rigorous selection process, and training and monitoring, plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and commitment of volunteers, impacting the program evaluation outcomes. This research concept provides insights into how the relationship of ICT volunteer organizations can enhance the effectiveness of digital literacy programs through strategic planning, appropriate volunteer selection, and community-based program adjustments. The importance of feedback in the evaluation process is highlighted to improve and refine digital literacy programs in the future. Anwar Fattah, Wagimin, Syahril Hasan Copyright (c) 2024 Anwar Fattah, Wagimin, Syahril Hasan Mon, 07 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Tinjauan Analisis Sentimen Terkait COVID-19 The Covid-19 pandemic control policy has created public opinion on social media. The government controls sentiment so that people remain compliant with the policy. Several previous studies have analyzed sentiment with various approaches. This study aims to describe how to analyze sentiment related to the pandemic of earlier studies with a traditional literature review approach through the literature survey stage. The results of the review found various approaches to data collection and sentiment analysis that have been applied by previous studies and their challenges, as well as opportunities for further research. Muhammad Affan Al Sidqi, Nabil Nur Afrizal, Novan Rodiansyah, Rinda Cahyana Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Affan Al Sidqi, Nabil Nur Afrizal, Novan Rodiansyah, Rinda Cahyana Mon, 07 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementasi Metode MOORA Pada Seleksi Basiswa Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah di Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember Berbasis Web <p>The Indonesia Smart Card Scholarship Program is a dedication of the government to the society, aimed at providing opportunities for all Indonesian citizens to obtain quality higher education without being hindered by economic factors. One of the educational institutions that accepts students receiving the KIP-College Scholarship is Muhammadiyah University Jember. In determining eligible students for the KIP-College scholarship, the Student Affairs Bureau still employs manual methods, making it difficult to perform complex data analysis and evaluate selection results. This research builds a Decision Support System to assist in the selection process for the KIP-College Scholarship at Muhammadiyah University Jember using the Multi-Objective Optimization on the Basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) method. This study utilizes several criteria with predetermined weights, namely, Decile Status, DTKS Status, Combined Parental Income, and Number of Dependents. The final result of this research is a ranking sorted from highest to lowest value, where the highest-ranking individuals are eligible to receive the KIP-College scholarship.</p> Mohammad Rizky, Hardian Oktavianto, Ilham Saifudin Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Rizky, Hardian Oktavianto, Ilham Saifudin Sat, 26 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000