Konferensi Nasional Literasi Digital dan Kerelawanan https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference en-US Konferensi Nasional Literasi Digital dan Kerelawanan Cermat Digital Mudah Berkarya: Penyuluhan Literasi Digital di Desa Limbangan Barat Kecamatan Limbangan https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/49 <p>Such rapid technological development increasingly encourage people to improve the quality of learning and work. With the cheaper hardware to communicate, it will make it easier for humans to interact with one another. Along with that, the need to understand the digital world is increasing. Literacy or digital technology literacy is a way to be able to understand, to use and to take advantage of the benefits presented through the digital internet network. It is in this virtual space that transactions of the business world as well as trade in goods and information go back and forth. So many options are offered and in an easy way and by simply moving your fingertips, the world feels closer. Almost everyone now has access to mobile phones and is increasingly familiar with the software that is in their hands. Of course, along with the spread of information in cyberspace, this also causes various new problems. Currently rampant fraud committed by people who are not responsible for illegal actions. Hoax news and the use of offensive language or bullying via cyberspace also occur a lot. This is what encourages the service of counseling about digital literacy as a form of community service in our society. The event of this social work was held in West Limbangan village which involved 210 seminar participant which was under IPI students where they stayed in Limbangan Barat 2 base camp.</p> Setia Muljanto Intan Nurelitsa Fitra Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2023 Setia Muljanto, Intan Nurelitsa, Fitra Rahmawati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 1 1 6 10.57119/knldk.v1i.49 Inovasi Literasi Digital di Desa Dunguswiru Kabupaten Garut Pendekatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata Bersama Institut Pendidikan Indonesia dan Relawan TIK Indonesia https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/50 <p>Digital literacy plays a pivotal role in empowering communities, especially in rural areas, to thrive in today's increasingly digitalized world. This paper explores an innovative initiative in Dunguswiru Village, Garut Regency, where a service-learning approach was employed in collaboration with the Indonesian Institute of Education and ICT Volunteers to enhance digital literacy. The project involved the active participation of students from higher education institutions and dedicated ICT volunteers, aiming to bridge the digital divide in the village. Through a series of workshops, training sessions, and the provision of digital resources, the project aimed to improve the digital skills of the local community. This paper discusses the methodology and implementation of the service-learning approach, detailing the specific activities and training provided to the villagers. It also presents the results and impacts of the project, including the notable improvements in digital literacy skills among the community members. The positive feedback and responses received from the villagers further underscore the success of the initiative.</p> Arip Nurahman Ateng Kurnia Setia Muljanto Chevi A.R3 Ade Suherman Ali Ismail Surya Gumilar Irma F.A Lasmita Sari Rizal Adimayuda Syamsul Ma’arif Copyright (c) 2023 Arip Nurahman, Ateng Kurnia, Setia Muljanto, Chevi A.R3, Ade Suherman, Ali Ismail, Surya Gumilar, Irma F.A, Lasmita Sari, Rizal Adimayuda, Syamsul Ma’arif https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 1 7 13 10.57119/knldk.v1i.50 Narasumber Dalam Kegiatan Literasi Digital di Desa Keresek dengan Tema: “Cerdas Literasi Digital, Cakap di Era Digital” https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/51 <p>Digital literacy is the key to improving the quality of society's human resources. Digital literacy is the only way to expand knowledge and skills. So that people with literacy skills can utilize technology, know strategies in economic activities, know healthy lifestyle patterns, and other knowledge. The opinion above shows that literacy has an important role in achieving the goals of community empowerment programs, especially in villages. Keresek Village, Cibatu District, is a village in east Garut. The aim of holding this Keresek village digital literacy seminar is to improve the skills of using digital devices for the Keresek village community in recognizing information literacy in the digital era. The community service method carried out is by providing counseling on how to use digital devices to introduce school children who use gadgets a lot, marketing and increasing the sales volume of community members' merchandise which until now has only been done conventionally or offline. This counseling contains general explanations about using digital devices wisely and creating social media intended for selling online. The results obtained from this outreach activity are increased public knowledge regarding digital literacy as well as increased skills in managing social media for selling online. So far, people have only sold their merchandise offline or conventionally. As a result of this community service, it was also found that more and more people in Keresek village were increasingly concerned about the importance of using social media wisely and that it could provide more benefits to their economy.</p> Dewi Hernawati Sri Mulyaningsih Fathia Seha Ragil Ragil Azrin Fajriyani Copyright (c) 2023 Dewi Hernawati, Sri Mulyaningsih, Fathia Seha, Ragil, Azrin Fajriyani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 1 14 18 10.57119/knldk.v1i.51 Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Digitalisasi Berbasis Potensi Desa di Desa Cibatu Kabupaten Garut https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/52 <p>We should know in detail the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of the village, so that village development can be in accordance with the potential of the village. In this case, local residents can participate in village development, so that they can be used as subjects in the development of their village. One of the efforts made is by way of community empowerment. The method of implementation is to coordinate with the Head of Cibatu Village to obtain an overview of the profile and geographical conditions and demographics of the village, then conduct a survey of each hamlet to determine the state and digital capabilities of the community members, the next stage is to create an email account for the community and the technical stage of socialization is to carry out digital literacy. Through digital literacy activities, it can open insight and knowledge for the residents of Cibatu Village, Cibatu District to build digital literacy and use digital technology appropriately. The public can take advantage of digital means for the promotion and marketing of brands or products through digital media can reach a wider and cost-efficient market.</p> Tedi Budiman Sukrina Herman Usman Hidayat Copyright (c) 2023 Tedi Budiman, Sukrina Herman, Usman Hidayat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 1 19 23 10.57119/knldk.v1i.52 Analisis Pengetahuan Literasi Digital Masyarakat Desa Mekarsari melalui Seminar Sehat dan Cerdas di Era Digital https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/53 <p>Currently digital transformation is taking place, which affects all aspects of human life and in all places in the world. Mekarsari Village is a village in West Java, Indonesia with a population of 7414 people. The population and conditions of this village have not escaped the influence of digital transformation. To find out how the Mekarsari village community knows about digital literacy, an activity is needed to introduce digital literacy through seminars, data collection is carried out and then the data is analyzed to determine the level of digital literacy knowledge. The service implementation methodology includes seminars and dissertations with taking feedback from the community. As for the public's response as feedback to the digital literacy knowledge seminar which was packaged with the theme Healthy and Smart in the Digital Era, the average digital literacy index result was 77.61% from four indicators, namely digital skills, digital ethics, digital culture and digital safety.</p> Yuniar Purwanti Iman Nasrulloh Resycha Mega Lestari Copyright (c) 2023 Yuniar Purwanti, Iman Nasrulloh, Resycha Mega Lestari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 1 24 28 10.57119/knldk.v1i.53 Masyarakat Desa Melek Digital: Suara Foto Konseptual Untuk Memetakan Tantangan dan Peluang https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/54 <p style="text-align: justify;">This abstract explores the innovative concept of "Digital Literate-Villagers," a participatory project of students’ social work and Kemenkominfo that empowers villagers to voice their experiences through conceptual photography. In an increasingly digital world, bridging the digital divide is crucial for equitable development. Rural communities, often marginalized in terms of access to technology and digital literacy, face distinct challenges and opportunities. By capturing the real-world struggles and aspirations of rural inhabitants in their journey towards digital literacy, this project seeks to create a compelling narrative of their unique predicament. The images and narratives not only unveil the obstacles such as limited infrastructure and education but also shed light on the transformative potential of digital literacy, including improved access to education and economic opportunities. The outcomes of this project offer invaluable insights for policymakers and stakeholders, driving targeted interventions and fostering awareness about the pressing need for digital inclusion in rural areas. Furthermore, by engaging the community in this process, "Digital Literate-Villagers" aims to empower the people it seeks to help and encourage collective action for a more digitally inclusive future.</p> Ateng Kurnia Nizar Alam Hamdani Abdul Hasim Ade Suherman Anjasmara Anjasmara Copyright (c) 2023 Ateng Kurnia, Nizar Alam Hamdani, Abdul Hasim, Ade Suherman, Anjasmara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 1 29 41 10.57119/knldk.v1i.54 Pengenalan Etika Bermedia Sosial Sebagai Wujud Menciptakan Masyarakat Cakap Digital https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/56 <p style="text-align: justify;">This community service aims to provide knowledge to the community in Kertajaya Village, Cibatu District, Garut Regency regarding social media ethics. Participants in this activity were people in the Kertajaya Village area consisting of cadres, junior high students, high school students as well as workers and farmers. This community service is carried out by providing counseling or seminars regarding the good and correct use of social media. The results and discussion focus on efforts to increase public knowledge regarding the ethics of using social media, the importance of knowing the rules for using social media, internet ethics and knowing internet users, the types of social media that are widely used by people of various ages, as well as problems in using social media. . At the end of the article, the author explains the impact of using social media, both negative and positive, and ways to avoid problems in using social media</p> Risma Nuriyanti Copyright (c) 2023 Risma Nuriyanti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 42 45 10.57119/knldk.v1i.56 Bijak Bermedia sebagai Upaya Penguatan Kehidupan Sosial Ekonomi dan Pendidikan Masyarakat https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/57 <p style="text-align: justify;">In the era of rapidly developing technology, the use of social media has become routine for people regardless of social status. There are lots of features provided so they can upload anything via social media. However, social media also has an impact on its users, both positive and negative. The positive impact of using social media can broaden your knowledge and meet many people. However, behind this there are negative impacts regarding the scope of social media use, one of which is shows that do not contain guidance, such as pornographic shows. This service activity aims to find out how much social media is used by society and its impact and how important social media is to society, especially in the world of education in character development. This service is carried out using a seminar method to the community directly. Based on the results of the activities obtained, excessive intensity of social media use can have an impact on the community environment, especially teenagers and children. Therefore, the intensity of parental supervision plays an important role in the wise use of social media so that they can use social media better.</p> Neni Nadiroti Muslihah Ejen Jenal Mutaqin Lutfi Asy’ari Idad Suhada Risa Puspa Ahmalia Copyright (c) 2023 Neni Nadiroti Muslihah, Ejen Jenal Mutaqin, Lutfi Asy’ari, Idad Suhada, Risa Puspa Ahmalia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 46 51 10.57119/knldk.v1i.57 Pendampingan Masyarakat Desa Sukalillah Melalui Seminar Literasi Digital Sebagai Upaya Membentuk Masyarakat yang Memahami dan Aman Mengelola Informasi di Internet https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/58 <p style="text-align: justify;">Indonesia is ranked the second largest internet user. To use it responsibly, a special ability to understand and use information on the internet is needed called digital literacy. Therefore, increasing people's digital literacy in Indonesia needs to be given attention, one of which is through community service activities. The purpose of this service is to assist the community regarding how to manage safe information on the internet, understand information on the internet and form a society that has digital literacy skills. Service partners are KOMINFO, Government and Community of Sukalillah Village, Garut Regency. This community service activity is carried out through expository methods, questions and answers and ends with reflection. Data were taken using a Likert scale-based questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Indicators of successful service are increased knowledge, motivation and willingness to participate in further service. The results of the questionnaire data showed that most participants (83%) had increased their knowledge regarding how to understand and safely interact on the internet. In addition, as many as 76% of participants strongly agreed on the importance of the four pillars of digital literacy. While above 80% of participants were satisfied with the implementation of this service and expressed their willingness to participate again in service activities with other themes, especially parenting related to educating the use of gadgets for children.</p> Rifaatul Muthmainnah De Budi Irwan Taofik Tomi G Alfarisi Asep Rohayat Diah Ika Putri Copyright (c) 2023 Rifaatul Muthmainnah, De Budi Irwan Taofik, Tomi G Alfarisi, Asep Rohayat, Diah Ika Putri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 52 56 10.57119/knldk.v1i.58 Membangun Masyarakat Digital Bijak Bermedia Sosial di Era Digital di Desa Sukalilah Kecamatan Cibatu Kabupaten Garut https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/59 <p style="text-align: justify;">In the current digital era, the use of social media has become an inseparable part of community life. However, the development of this technology also brings challenges and impacts that need to be addressed, especially at the local level such as in Sukalilah Village, Cibatu Subdistrict, Garut Regency. The purpose of this study is to understand how to cultivate a wise digital community in utilizing social media at the village level. This research will employ a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data will be collected through interviews with various relevant parties in Sukalilak Village, including the community members, village youth, community leaders, and local government officials. Furthermore, an analysis of social media content will also be conducted to observe usage patterns and their impact on the village community.The results of this study are expected to provide a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in building a wise digital community at the village level. Additionally, concrete strategies and steps will be proposed, which can be taken by the village government, community institutions, and individuals to optimize the positive use of social media. Thus, Sukalilak Village can serve as an example for other villages in facing social changes due to digital technological advancements.</p> Elin Rosliani Yopi Nugraha Dinar Rahayu Zoni Sulaeman Purnomo Sidik Nanda Intan Amelia Pera Herawati Copyright (c) 2023 Elin Rosliani, Yopi Nugraha, Dinar Rahayu, Zoni Sulaeman, Purnomo Sidik, Nanda Intan Amelia, Pera Herawati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 57 62 10.57119/knldk.v1i.59 Peningkatan Pengetahuan Literasi Digital melalui Seminar “Etis Berinteraksi di Dunia Digital” di Desa Karyamukti Kecamatan Cibatu https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/60 <p style="text-align: justify;">One manifestation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education for a lecturer is Community Service activities called Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM). This PKM activity was carried out at the same time as the Real Work Lecture Activity, namely Kuliah Kerja Nyata(KKN), which was attended by students from IPI Garut in collaboration with KOMINFO. This service aims to solve problems in the broader community regarding how to behave in the digital world. This activity will likely positively impact the problems that occur when internet users interact in the digital world. The author's form of community service is workshop activities with the theme "Ethical Interaction in the Digital World". The information presented in the seminar can raise public awareness to be wiser in using social media. This PKM activity was implemented in Karyamukti Village, Cibatu District, Garut Regency, West Java Province, involving all levels of local society, including students, homemakers and other levels of society. The results of the service implementation in the form of a seminar illustrate a positive response from seminar participants in the form of understanding new knowledge and awareness from each individual regarding ethical ways of using social media. This activity was carried out first using qualitative methods with outreach techniques to the community, then the next day a litercy seminar was carried out.</p> Iin Indriyani Zoni Sulaiman Fajar Muhamad Sidik Mitha Selviana Copyright (c) 2023 Iin Indriyani, Zoni Sulaiman, Fajar Muhamad Sidik, Mitha Selviana https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 63 66 10.57119/knldk.v1i.60 Penyuluhan Literasi Digital : Cerdas dan Bijak Bermedia Sosial https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/61 <p style="text-align: justify;">Today's digital media makes it easier for us to obtain information quickly because each user can share information with each other. It cannot be denied that it has both positive and negative impacts on its users, especially teenagers. Almost all people today have various social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok and WhatsApp. The aim of this counseling is to provide knowledge to the Padasuka village community regarding, 1) Digital Literacy, 2) Tips and Tricks for good social media, 3) Benefits of social media in the Digital Era 5.0. This counseling is a community service activity carried out in Padasuka village on July 28 2023, attended by 58 village residents consisting of parents and teenagers. The results obtained from this activity are an increase in the knowledge of the Padasuka village community regarding digital literacy and they can be wiser in social media so they can use and manage their social media for positive things.</p> Yennie Indriati Widyaningsih Rajji Adiredja Luthfi Asyari Copyright (c) 2023 Yennie Indriati Widyaningsih, Rajji Adiredja, Luthfi Asyari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 67 73 10.57119/knldk.v1i.61 Building Students Interest in Being More Digitally Capable Through Digital Literacy Seminars https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/64 <p style="text-align: justify;">This voluntary service is intended to support KOMINFO in its mission to reach 50 million digitally capable Indonesians by the year 2024. This is a lofty objective, and we’ve already tried the first phase with a digital literacy seminar. Students of Assa’adah High School in Limbangan Tengah Village, BL. Limbangan District, Garut Regency, West Java Province, are the objective of our activities. Two issues are raised: the Assa’adah students’ views on holding seminars on digital literacy and what activities Assa’adah High School stakeholders will require in the future to advance their digital literacy abilities. From 70 research subjects who attended the digital literacy seminar on July 26, 2023, it was discovered that more than 80% of students were satisfied with this activity, despite the fact that some students felt a desire to be a part of a digitally literate society—not up to 80%, but more than 60%. This implies that greater effort is required to ensure that the community is truly digitally literate. Through interviews, suggestions for future sustainability at SMA Assa’adah were collected in the form of training in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, as well as support in developing proposals for infrastructure development to make all stakeholders digitally adept.</p> Dian Mardiani Helsa Hanipah Kuntum AnNisa Imania Mega Achdisty Noordyana Copyright (c) 2023 Dian Mardiani, Helsa Hanipah, Kuntum AnNisa Imania, Mega Achdisty Noordyana https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 74 80 10.57119/knldk.v1i.64 Digital Skill, Pelatihan Pengenalan Teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) Bagi Siswa di Kota Banda Aceh https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/65 <p style="text-align: justify;">The Internet of Things (IoT) is an object that is connected to one object to another, integrated with each other using the internet. The development of IoT technology requires people to be able to learn and use it in everyday life. The 2022 curriculum based on the KKNI Information Technology education includes compulsory Internet of Things (IOT) courses, digital engineering, and the elective course is computer network practicum. The purpose of this training activity is that high school/equivalent level students have basic skills and knowledge on how to take advantage of IoT technology. With this training, student participants can practice directly how to assemble and build basic IoT technology projects using IoT devices using computers. The implementation of community service is carried out by the method of providing direct practice according to the material that has been given. Community service activities received a very good response from both the school and the participants. After the community service activities, assistance was provided for schools that submitted ideas for making products using IoT technology.</p> Mira Maisura Cut Putroe Yuliana Ridwan Ridwan Fatin Arifa Khairunnisa Mauliza Copyright (c) 2023 Mira Maisura, Cut Putroe Yuliana, Ridwan, Fatin Arifa, Khairunnisa Mauliza https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 81 85 10.57119/knldk.v1i.65 Pendampingan Pendidikan dan Teknologi di Desa Ciwangi Kecamatan Limbangan Kabupaten Garut https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/66 <p style="text-align: justify;">KKN is a form of teaching and students' devotion found in Tri Dharma Universitas. With the devotion to the people of Des Ciwangi, there will be a cooperation between the college and the community as a form of knowledge. The purpose of this service is to provide understanding to the people of Ciwangi village about the importance of education and technology. This is done through activities: student participation in school instruction, learning guidance for school-aged children, technology seminars, and information technology literacy training.</p> Ardi Mulyana Haryadi Zoni Sulaiman Lesi Lestari Hilwa Hibatillah Hasanin Copyright (c) 2023 Ardi Mulyana Haryadi, Zoni Sulaiman, Lesi Lestari, Hilwa Hibatillah Hasanin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 86 90 10.57119/knldk.v1i.66 Penyuluhan Etika Dalam Bermedia Sosial Untuk Pencegahan Cyberbullying di Ruang Digital pada Kalangan Pelajar SMK Darut Taqwa https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/67 <p style="text-align: justify;">This Community Service activity aims to provide outreach on knowledge and understanding of the importance of ethics in using social media to preventing cyberbullying in digital spaces for students at Darut Taqwa Vocational School, Purwosari Pasuruan. This community service activity uses a preparation stage, implementation stage, evaluation stage. The implementation stage uses lecture and discussion methods. The counseling method is carried out directly to students, providing several materials regarding social media, namely providing an understanding of the meaning of social media and its development, ethics in using social media in the digital space, wise ways to prevent cyberbullying in the digital space, cases of cyberbullying in Indonesia, use social media for productive content. The results of this Community Service activity are expected to gain an understanding of how to use social media wisely and ethically utilize social media for productive activities increase personal branding and gain an understanding of Cyberbullying among students and how to prevent it.</p> Muhammad Imron Rosadi Riska Amelia Minnatin Charizah Aminatuz Zuhriyah Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Imron Rosadi, Riska Amelia, Minnatin Charizah, Aminatuz Zuhriyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 91 98 10.57119/knldk.v1i.67 Pemberdayaan Perempuan Pra Sejahtera: Meningkatkan Kapasitas UMKM "Nganre Sambal" dengan Literasi Digital https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/68 <p style="text-align: justify;">Economic empowerment of pre-welfare women is an urgent issue that requires special attention. A concrete example is in Makassar City, namely the MSMEs "Nganre Sambal" in Buntusu Village, which consists of five female members with limited economic backgrounds. They started producing processed chili in 2022, but faced obstacles in increasing production and marketing products. Community Service Activities (PKM) through digital literacy became an important step in understanding and overcoming the challenges faced by the "Nganre Sambal" MSMEs. This PKM involved the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method with the initial goal of understanding the challenges faced by this MSMEs. They then attended digital literacy activities for 6 months. The results of this PKM showed significant achievements in the application of digital literacy by the "Nganre Sambal" MSMEs. They successfully integrated digital literacy knowledge into their business operations, including creating a product Instagram account, creating creative promotional content, and publishing content regularly. As a result, this MSMEs was able to reach a wider market and increase their income.</p> Andi Asy’hary J. Arsyad Usman Tamrin Copyright (c) 2023 Andi Asy’hary J. Arsyad, Usman Tamrin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 99 112 10.57119/knldk.v1i.68 Kolaborasi Perguruan Tinggi dan Lembaga Dalam Peningkatan Literasi Digital UMKM https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/69 <p style="text-align: justify;">The problem faced by SMEs to carry out digital innovation is the lack of human resources in SMEs who have knowledge in the field of digital literacy. Collaboration with private institutions, government and universities is one of the solutions that can be done to increase SMEs knowledge in digital literacy. This training has the aim of collaboration between universities and institutions to improve digital literacy for SMEs, specifically on Digital Marketing which can provide convenience in advertising SMEs products. Purwakarta. The method of implementing community service activities consists of 2 (two) methods, Online Methods and Offline Methods. The results of the collaboration between universities and the Institution will increase digital literacy for SMEs to improve the SMEs digital innovation Performance</p> Ismi Kaniawulan Irsan Jaelani Copyright (c) 2023 Ismi Kaniawulan, Irsan Jaelani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 113 118 10.57119/knldk.v1i.69 Pentingnya Digitalisasi Dalam Dunia Bisnis Bagi Masyarakat Kecamatan Tondano Selatan https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/70 <p style="text-align: justify;">The development and growth of information technology in the business sector is currently increasing. Digitalization in current business is very important for business people, both for those who are just starting out and for those who already have business experience. The aim of this digital literacy training is to provide skills in using digital technology and utilizing the internet network for entrepreneurship to the community, especially the community in South Tondano Regency. It is hoped that the implementation of this digital literacy activity can educate the public about the benefits, functions and importance of technology in business, and provide knowledge about digital technology to the people in South Tondano Regency.</p> Kharies Dwi Manossoh Purnomo Lady Grace Jane Giroth Angely Ester Sondakh Nolvy Ruata Oliviane Oroh Fiani Kaurow Karen Mamahit Theresa Mamahit Copyright (c) 2023 Kharies Dwi Manossoh Purnomo, Lady Grace Jane Giroth, Angely Ester Sondakh, Nolvy Ruata, Oliviane Oroh, Fiani Kaurow, Karen Mamahit, Theresa Mamahit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 119 124 10.57119/knldk.v1i.70 Bimbingan Teknis Implementasi Aplikasi Bagi Pendamping Proses Produk Halal (PPH) Dari Unsur Penyuluh Agama Se-Kota Pekanbaru https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/71 <p style="text-align: justify;">Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, reaching 229.62 million people and is expected to continue to increase in 2050, reaching 256.85 million people. This makes Indonesia a country that has great potential to become a halal role model in the world as well as the opportunity to become the world's leading halal producer. BPJPH has accelerated halal certification obligations with the Free Halal Certificate (SEHATI) program specifically for MSE actors which has started since October 17, 2019. In carrying out this program, BPJPH recruits Halal Product Process Assistants (PPH) in all regions of Indonesia, both through the Halal Product Process Assistance Institution, and those carried out directly by BPJPH. Among all the accompanying elements, one of the PPH Assistance elements that has important potential is religious instructors, due to their proximity to all circles of society, as well as the public trust that has grown in them. The training conducted by BPJPH online ran smoothly, although there were shortcomings and difficulties experienced by the trainees. This occurred because of the digital divide among religious instructors, namely in the form of gaps in skills, abilities, and motivation in the use of digital technology. Many religious instructors have not mastered applications related to the halal product process such as managing the halal product number.</p> Liza Afriyanti Yenni Kurniawati Copyright (c) 2023 Liza Afriyanti, Yenni Kurniawati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 125 132 10.57119/knldk.v1i.71 Mengajarkan Literasi Digital Pada Masyarakat: Memahami Manfaat dan Bahaya Internet Untuk Mengurangi Kesenjangan Digital https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/72 <p style="text-align: justify;">The increased access to the internet has opened doors to numerous opportunities in contemporary society. However, the widening digital divide has given rise to serious issues. This study explores efforts to teach digital literacy to the community as an effective means of understanding the benefits and dangers of the internet with the goal of reducing the digital divide. Through a qualitative research approach, we gathered data through interviews and surveys of digital literacy training participants from various age groups and backgrounds. There search results show that digital literacy programs are effective in enhancing the community's understanding ofthe benefits of the internet, such as information access and employment opportunities. Additionally, they also become more aware of internet dangers, including online privacy and the spread of false information. Digital literacy training has apositive impact on community participation in the digital economy and their self-empowerment online. However, challenges such as accessibility and limited resources still need to be addressed. Thisstudy highlights the importance of efforts to teach digital literacy to the community as a strategy forreducing the digital divide. These skills help individuals make smarter and safer decisions in using the internet, resulting in amore connected, intelligent, and competitive society in this digital era.</p> Chevi Ardiana Rusmawan Ade Suherman Purnomo Sidiq Mesa Silviana Yopi Nugraha Copyright (c) 2023 Chevi Ardiana Rusmawan, Ade Suherman, Purnomo Sidiq, Mesa Silviana, Yopi Nugraha https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 133 136 10.57119/knldk.v1i.72 Pentingnya Literasi Digital Terhadap Masyarakat di Kecamatan Mandolang Dalam Memanfaatkan Dunia Digital Bersama Universitas Teknologi Sulawesi Utara https://jurnal.relawantik.or.id/conference/article/view/73 <p style="text-align: justify;">According to We Are Social, the proportion of internet use via mobile or mobile phones in Indonesia reached 98.3% as of January 2023. This proportion is even higher than the world average with the proportion of internet use on mobile phones of 92.3%. It is recorded that the proportion of internet use via computers in the country is only 60.7%. Meanwhile, the proportion of internet use via computers in the world is above Indonesia, reaching 65.6%. Increasing community activity in using various internet services is a breath of fresh air, because this activity can open up opportunities for people to become more aware and able to take advantage of the digital world. As technology develops, many impacts are felt by society, one of which is opening up business opportunities through the use of digitalization.</p> Fernando Dotulong Frangky E.D Robial Henny Tumbelaka Maureen Langie Salsabila Pratiwi Putri Tannezia Taroreh Copyright (c) 2023 Fernando Dotulong, Frangky E.D Robial, Henny Tumbelaka, Maureen Langie, Salsabila Pratiwi Putri, Tannezia Taroreh https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 137 143 10.57119/knldk.v1i.73