Bimbingan Teknis Implementasi Aplikasi Bagi Pendamping Proses Produk Halal (PPH) Dari Unsur Penyuluh Agama Se-Kota Pekanbaru
Technical Guidance, Halal Product Process Assistants (PPH), Religious CounselorAbstract
Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, reaching 229.62 million people and is expected to continue to increase in 2050, reaching 256.85 million people. This makes Indonesia a country that has great potential to become a halal role model in the world as well as the opportunity to become the world's leading halal producer. BPJPH has accelerated halal certification obligations with the Free Halal Certificate (SEHATI) program specifically for MSE actors which has started since October 17, 2019. In carrying out this program, BPJPH recruits Halal Product Process Assistants (PPH) in all regions of Indonesia, both through the Halal Product Process Assistance Institution, and those carried out directly by BPJPH. Among all the accompanying elements, one of the PPH Assistance elements that has important potential is religious instructors, due to their proximity to all circles of society, as well as the public trust that has grown in them. The training conducted by BPJPH online ran smoothly, although there were shortcomings and difficulties experienced by the trainees. This occurred because of the digital divide among religious instructors, namely in the form of gaps in skills, abilities, and motivation in the use of digital technology. Many religious instructors have not mastered applications related to the halal product process such as managing the halal product number.
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