Pemberdayaan Perempuan Pra Sejahtera: Meningkatkan Kapasitas UMKM "Nganre Sambal" dengan Literasi Digital
Empowerment, Pre-Welfare Women, MSMEsAbstract
Economic empowerment of pre-welfare women is an urgent issue that requires special attention. A concrete example is in Makassar City, namely the MSMEs "Nganre Sambal" in Buntusu Village, which consists of five female members with limited economic backgrounds. They started producing processed chili in 2022, but faced obstacles in increasing production and marketing products. Community Service Activities (PKM) through digital literacy became an important step in understanding and overcoming the challenges faced by the "Nganre Sambal" MSMEs. This PKM involved the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method with the initial goal of understanding the challenges faced by this MSMEs. They then attended digital literacy activities for 6 months. The results of this PKM showed significant achievements in the application of digital literacy by the "Nganre Sambal" MSMEs. They successfully integrated digital literacy knowledge into their business operations, including creating a product Instagram account, creating creative promotional content, and publishing content regularly. As a result, this MSMEs was able to reach a wider market and increase their income.
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