Pendampingan Pendidikan dan Teknologi di Desa Ciwangi Kecamatan Limbangan Kabupaten Garut
journal, community, devotion, education, technologyAbstract
KKN is a form of teaching and students' devotion found in Tri Dharma Universitas. With the devotion to the people of Des Ciwangi, there will be a cooperation between the college and the community as a form of knowledge. The purpose of this service is to provide understanding to the people of Ciwangi village about the importance of education and technology. This is done through activities: student participation in school instruction, learning guidance for school-aged children, technology seminars, and information technology literacy training.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ardi Mulyana Haryadi, Zoni Sulaiman, Lesi Lestari, Hilwa Hibatillah Hasanin

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