Penyuluhan Literasi Digital : Cerdas dan Bijak Bermedia Sosial
digital literate, social media, digital eraAbstract
Today's digital media makes it easier for us to obtain information quickly because each user can share information with each other. It cannot be denied that it has both positive and negative impacts on its users, especially teenagers. Almost all people today have various social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok and WhatsApp. The aim of this counseling is to provide knowledge to the Padasuka village community regarding, 1) Digital Literacy, 2) Tips and Tricks for good social media, 3) Benefits of social media in the Digital Era 5.0. This counseling is a community service activity carried out in Padasuka village on July 28 2023, attended by 58 village residents consisting of parents and teenagers. The results obtained from this activity are an increase in the knowledge of the Padasuka village community regarding digital literacy and they can be wiser in social media so they can use and manage their social media for positive things.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Yennie Indriati Widyaningsih, Rajji Adiredja, Luthfi Asyari

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