Pendampingan Masyarakat Desa Sukalillah Melalui Seminar Literasi Digital Sebagai Upaya Membentuk Masyarakat yang Memahami dan Aman Mengelola Informasi di Internet
digital_literacy, digital_safety, digital_skillsAbstract
Indonesia is ranked the second largest internet user. To use it responsibly, a special ability to understand and use information on the internet is needed called digital literacy. Therefore, increasing people's digital literacy in Indonesia needs to be given attention, one of which is through community service activities. The purpose of this service is to assist the community regarding how to manage safe information on the internet, understand information on the internet and form a society that has digital literacy skills. Service partners are KOMINFO, Government and Community of Sukalillah Village, Garut Regency. This community service activity is carried out through expository methods, questions and answers and ends with reflection. Data were taken using a Likert scale-based questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Indicators of successful service are increased knowledge, motivation and willingness to participate in further service. The results of the questionnaire data showed that most participants (83%) had increased their knowledge regarding how to understand and safely interact on the internet. In addition, as many as 76% of participants strongly agreed on the importance of the four pillars of digital literacy. While above 80% of participants were satisfied with the implementation of this service and expressed their willingness to participate again in service activities with other themes, especially parenting related to educating the use of gadgets for children.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rifaatul Muthmainnah, De Budi Irwan Taofik, Tomi G Alfarisi, Asep Rohayat, Diah Ika Putri

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