Pengenalan Etika Bermedia Sosial Sebagai Wujud Menciptakan Masyarakat Cakap Digital
etchics, social media, digitally savvyAbstract
This community service aims to provide knowledge to the community in Kertajaya Village, Cibatu District, Garut Regency regarding social media ethics. Participants in this activity were people in the Kertajaya Village area consisting of cadres, junior high students, high school students as well as workers and farmers. This community service is carried out by providing counseling or seminars regarding the good and correct use of social media. The results and discussion focus on efforts to increase public knowledge regarding the ethics of using social media, the importance of knowing the rules for using social media, internet ethics and knowing internet users, the types of social media that are widely used by people of various ages, as well as problems in using social media. . At the end of the article, the author explains the impact of using social media, both negative and positive, and ways to avoid problems in using social media
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