Analisis Pengetahuan Literasi Digital Masyarakat Desa Mekarsari melalui Seminar Sehat dan Cerdas di Era Digital
analysi, digital literacy, seminarsAbstract
Currently digital transformation is taking place, which affects all aspects of human life and in all places in the world. Mekarsari Village is a village in West Java, Indonesia with a population of 7414 people. The population and conditions of this village have not escaped the influence of digital transformation. To find out how the Mekarsari village community knows about digital literacy, an activity is needed to introduce digital literacy through seminars, data collection is carried out and then the data is analyzed to determine the level of digital literacy knowledge. The service implementation methodology includes seminars and dissertations with taking feedback from the community. As for the public's response as feedback to the digital literacy knowledge seminar which was packaged with the theme Healthy and Smart in the Digital Era, the average digital literacy index result was 77.61% from four indicators, namely digital skills, digital ethics, digital culture and digital safety.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Yuniar Purwanti, Iman Nasrulloh, Resycha Mega Lestari

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