Narasumber Dalam Kegiatan Literasi Digital di Desa Keresek dengan Tema: “Cerdas Literasi Digital, Cakap di Era Digital”
Literacy, Digital, online, children, economicsAbstract
Digital literacy is the key to improving the quality of society's human resources. Digital literacy is the only way to expand knowledge and skills. So that people with literacy skills can utilize technology, know strategies in economic activities, know healthy lifestyle patterns, and other knowledge. The opinion above shows that literacy has an important role in achieving the goals of community empowerment programs, especially in villages. Keresek Village, Cibatu District, is a village in east Garut. The aim of holding this Keresek village digital literacy seminar is to improve the skills of using digital devices for the Keresek village community in recognizing information literacy in the digital era. The community service method carried out is by providing counseling on how to use digital devices to introduce school children who use gadgets a lot, marketing and increasing the sales volume of community members' merchandise which until now has only been done conventionally or offline. This counseling contains general explanations about using digital devices wisely and creating social media intended for selling online. The results obtained from this outreach activity are increased public knowledge regarding digital literacy as well as increased skills in managing social media for selling online. So far, people have only sold their merchandise offline or conventionally. As a result of this community service, it was also found that more and more people in Keresek village were increasingly concerned about the importance of using social media wisely and that it could provide more benefits to their economy.
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